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Visitors and Volunteers

Visitor Procedures

  • Visitors to buildings will be limited for safety reasons.
  • Visitors will remain in the security vestibule when possible.
  • If picking up a student, a visitor will be asked to provide driver's license or government ID to be scanned by Raptor visitor management system.
  • Children who are being picked up by an authorized contact will generally be escorted to the vestibule by a staff member.


Volunteer Procedures

Step 1

Access and read the following Green Local School District Board Policies and Administrative Guidelines.  

Visitors po9150

Volunteers po8120

Step 2 

Watch this VIDEO that outlines School Volunteers and FERPA

Step 3

  1. Review the building procedures for volunteering at the Green Local Schools (GLS) buildings.  
  2. Scan your driver's license in the office to check in and out each time you volunteer.  
  3. Report to the assignment on time as scheduled.  If the volunteer cannot make the scheduled day/time, notify the teacher/staff member as soon as possible.  
  4. Any information regarding students must remain confidential and is not to be shared with anyone, e.g. academic, behavior, family, etc. 
  5. Non-school age children are not permitted to accompany the volunteer unless permission has been granted, it is always of the parent to ensure non-school age children maintain quiet and non-disruptive behavior.  
  6. Review and adhere to all building fire and tornado evacuation plans; this includes all drills.
  7. Discipline and crisis intervention is the responsibility of the school personnel.  If need arises for involvement, seek staff immediately and follow staff instructions.  If a child is injured, notify school personnel immediately and remain with the child until the member of school staff arrives.  Do not treat the child yourself; staff is trained to care for students. 
  8. Conduct yourself in a positive and professional manner at all times.
  9. Building and/or district administration must approve any communication that a volunteer would like to distribute, e.g. fliers, e-mails, social media, telephone, etc.  
  10. When using the copy machines, allow teachers/staff members to interrupt, if necessary. 
  11. As a volunteer, you do make a difference!  Remember that students and their welfare always comes first.   
Step 4
Complete the Volunteer Acknowledgement Form.

Step 5

If you are a new volunteer, or if your previous Background Investigation Bureau (BIB) screening has expired, obtain a Background Check following the instructions below. 


BIB (Background Investigation Bureau) is a comprehensive online system that will provide thorough background checks on all volunteers.  The system will provide background check results to the district within approximately 48 hours instead of the two-to-four week turnaround time of the fingerprint background checks. The new background checks will also be a significant cost savings to the volunteer at a cost of $21.95. 

A volunteer will go to the BIB Secure Volunteer website and input their individual information.  They will make their payment and receive confirmation within approximately a week of their background check has been completed and the district has received a copy of their results.  Within 7 days the approved volunteer will receive an individualized VOLUNTEER CARD that they will show to the building each time they arrive for volunteer duty. 

The BIB background check is valid for 3 years.  The BIB system will notify the volunteer via email when it is time for their recheck.  All BCI/FBI background checks are grandfathered in.  If a volunteer has a BCI/FBI check within the past 5 years, that background check is still valid and you do not have to complete the BIB screening until expiration of BCI/FBI check.  Upon expiration of the BCI/FBI background check, you will switch to the BIB background screening.


Any volunteer who wishes to participate in an overnight trip must have completed a secure volunteer background screening within the last 365 days, as well as any additional required paperwork. All of the procedures previously required to volunteer will still apply.  The only change made to the guidelines is the validation period of the background screening.

Please contact your building principal if you have any questions.