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Supplemental Contract Basics

  • Contracts are divided into three general groups: (1) Athletic, (2) Instructional Support, and (3) Student Activities.

  • Supplemental contracts have a term of one year and are typically reposted every spring in April.

  • Supplemental employment is offered to qualified, licensed teachers who are covered by the GEA contract.

  • Other employees of the District and/or outside applicants may be considered for supplemental employment if no GEA employees apply or if GEA employees who apply are not the most qualified to hold a supplemental contract.

  • Supplemental contract holders must hold appropriate credentials as determined by the Ohio Department of Education:

    • Athletic supplemental contract holders must possess an Ohio Pupil Activity Permit.

    • All other supplemental contract holders must possess an Ohio educator credential (license or permit).

    • Certain movement-based non-athletic supplemental contract holders must possess an Ohio Pupil Activity Permit. Examples include outdoor education and marching band.

Supplemental employment is available to licensed educators covered by the Green Education Association as a function of the negotiated agreement between GEA and the Green Local School District Board of Education.

Reporting Requirements and Requests for Pay