Online Payments - Payschools Central
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Payschool Resources
Student Fees and Lunch Account Payments
sing or clicking the Payschools icon above you will be able to deposit money into an account at your convenience, check your child’s balance, and many other features.
Each child in your family can be set up on the same account. If you decide to put money on your child’s account, there is an internet convenience fee of 3.9% to the parent per transaction or $1.75 per transaction for ACH check. Once the money is put on the account, it typically appears in your child’s account in less than 24 hours.
If you choose not to use Pay Schools Central for credit card transactions, the district continues to accept cash and checks at each school cafeteria. There is a Pay Schools Central Mobile App that provides the ability to make payments to replenish lunch accounts and view purchase history.
The Pay Schools Central mobile app is a free download and is available for IOS (Apple) and Android devices.
Associated fees for LUNCH payments:
ACH check per transaction: $1.75
Credit Card under $50.00 per transaction: $1.65
Credit Card over $50 per transaction: 3.9%
Associated fees for ALL OTHER payments:
ACH check per transaction: $1.75
Credit Card per transaction: 3.9%