Stay informed of Classwork with the Canvas Parent App!
What is Canvas? | Why Download Canvas App? | What Will I See? | How to Download? |
Do I have to do this each year? | More Canvas Info |
What is Canvas?
Canvas is a Learning Management System used to help staff, students, and parents be aware of what is happening in the classroom. For grades 3-12 assignments, due dates, and general information about the class can be found in each Canvas Class. In grades PK-2 Canvas is used as a way to communicate with parents as well as provide a quick way for students to access digital content while at school.
Why download the Canvas Parent App Grades 3-12?
- See “A Week at a Glance” of everything happening in the class during that week.
- See the directions and assignments the same way the student sees them.
- Keep up on due dates for assignments in the Canvas Calendar.
- See the grades given on assignments and an overall grade for the course.
- Easy way to contact the classroom teacher with any questions or concerns.
What about grades PK-2?
- See “A Week at a Glance” of everything happening in the class during that week.
- Easy way to contact the classroom teacher with any questions or concerns.
- Easy way for the classroom teacher to provide resources to be used at home.
What will I see in the Parent App?
All Your Students in One Place Setup your account and connect all your students in one place to quickly and easily check on their progress and grade in each class.
All Assignments Listed
Assignments Specifics In this example we can see the points for the assignment were 10, the student submitted the assignment on time before the August 25th due date. We can also see the specific directions for the assignment provided by the teacher. The “Remind Me” can be turned on to give you an alert about this assignment allowing you to help remind your student about this specific assignment. |
Front Page of the Course
Week at a Glance
How do I get the Canvas Parent App?
There are two main parts to getting the App to work for you. The first part is done with your student to get an Observer code. The second main part is done on the parent device. The student and parents steps are listed below.
Student Steps
Step 1 - Your student should login to their Canvas account on their chromebook.
Step 2 - Once logged in, they should click the “Account” button
Step 3 - Click “Settings”
Step 4 - In the right menu click “Pair with Observer” button
Step 5 - A window will open with a code. Write this code down (it is case sensitive)
Parent Steps
Step 1 - Parents should download the Canvas Parent App on their phone.
Step 2 - Open the app and click the “Find School” button.
Step 3 - On the “What’s your school’s name?” screen, type “Green Local”. You will see two choices. Click “Green Local Schools - Parents”.
Step 4 - The Canvas login screen will appear. Click “Create Account”
Step 5 - The Parent Signup screen will appear. You should complete the entire form. The “Student Pairing Code” was what you wrote down from step 5 in the Student Steps. Remember this code is case sensitive so be sure to type it exactly as shown on the student chromebook. Green Local School Employees must use a different email than your school email.
Step 6 - Click Start Participating
To add another student to the App
Step 1 - Next student should repeat the student steps from above
Step 2 - On the parent app click the “Add Student” button
Step 2 - Choose “Pairing Code”
Step 3 - Type in the pairing code from the student chromebook (case sensitive)
Step 4 - Click “Add”
Repeat this for all of your students.
Do I have to do this every year?
No - each year your account will be updated on the first day of school with your student's new classes. You don’t have to do any setup.
More Canvas Information