Master Facilites Plan
In order to address the needs identified by Green residents, a master facilities plan was developed that will consolidate our district from five to four school buildings. Our three oldest buildings will be demolished and replaced by the construction of two new buildings and one addition. Updates will also be made to the bus garage. This plan will reduce operational costs, transportation routes, as well as the number of building transitions in a student’s academic career.
Demolish Greenwood Early Learning Center, Green Intermediate School and Green Middle School (Green’s three oldest school buildings)
Build an addition onto Green Primary School to accommodate Pre-1st grade
Build a new 2nd - 5th grade building on the Primary School site
Build a new 6th-8th grade building on the Middle School site
Update bus garage
This plan will reduce:
The number of building transitions in a student’s academic career
Operational costs (Less buildings)
Transportation routes and schedules