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Student Services

The Office of Student Services oversees instruction and assessment for students who receive Special Education services, 504 Plans, Title I services, the developmental early childhood program, English language learners (ELL) and gifted education. The Student Services department works closely with school counselors from each building and our case management team from Child Guidance and Family Solutions to offer social, emotional and mental health supports. 

  • Special Education Services
  • Related Services
  • School Counseling 
  • Partnership with Child Guidance and Family Solutions
  • School Health Services
  • Parent Mentor Project
  • Developmental Early Childhood Program 

For more information on these services, please select a link from the menu or call the Student Services Office at 330-896-7500

Child Find

Green Local Schools participates in an effort to identify, locate, and evaluate all children from birth through 21 years of age who may have disabilities. Disability, in this instance, means such conditions as hearing impairments, visual impairments, speech or language impairments, specific learning disabilities, emotionally disturbed, multiple disabilities, intellectual disability, other health impairments, physical impairments, autism, and traumatic brain injury. Before Green can serve children, they must be found. Many children with disabilities are not visible because they do not function in the mainstream of the community. Also, many unidentified children with disabilities are preschoolers. Parents may not be aware that their child has a disability or that there are programs and services available. Green Local Schools receives annual funding from the Federal Government through Title Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA). If you are aware of any child in the Green District who may need special education or related services or if you wish to comment regarding the expenditure of Title Part B of IDEA funds, please contact the student services department at 330-896-7577. All information will be kept confidential and evaluations are conducted free of charge. In accordance with federal law, the District assumes responsibility for the location, identification and evaluation of all children birth through age 21 who reside within the district and who require special education and related services. This includes students who are: advancing from grade to grade; enrolled by their parents in private elementary or private secondary schools, including religious schools, located in our District (regardless of the  severity of their disability); wards of the state and children who are highly mobile, such as migrant and homeless children; and home-schooled. In addition, the school district ensures that a free appropriate public education (FAPE) is made available to all children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21, inclusive, in accordance with IDEA and the Operating Standards.

ARP IDEA Part B Special Education Assurances,  Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) authorize assistance to States to support the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities. Section 2014(a) of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) provided IDEA Part B supplemental funding for Federal Fiscal Year 2021 to assist States, and through them, eligible local educational agencies (LEAs), in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities. Public comment can be made to Joya Mitchell, Director of Student Services by Monday October 4th, 2021.