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Test Security Procedures

Summary of District Test Security Procedures

The District Test Security Procedures ensure all involved that there are purposeful and specific procedures in place to ensure the security and accurate delivery and reporting of your child’s state assessments.  If you have any questions about this summary document, please contact your child’s building principal.

Per Ohio Administrative Code 3301-13-05, the district is required to develop and maintain District Test Security Procedures and make them available to parents and students.  These procedures, as they pertain to students, are summarized below; staff members receive further, more specific training via the District Test Security Procedures about their involvement with the specific assessments and are required to follow written procedures set forth by the Ohio Department of Education.


Section 1: Authorized Personnel

Green Local Schools appoints a district test coordinator and test coordinator at each building who are responsible for handling and tracking test materials before, during and after published testing windows. Additionally, licensed professionals in the buildings receive a significant amount of training in order to be prepared to administer state assessments.

Section 2: Handling and Tracking Procedures for Secure Test Materials

The district test coordinator is responsible for ordering and availability of all test tools and materials. The district test coordinator manages secure test materials and prepares for the secure, electronic delivery of tests to students.  The building test coordinators are responsible for the security and distribution of tests at the building level. 


Section 3: Test Security Violations

The following suspected security violations are reported to the district test coordinator who conducts an investigation and reports findings to the Superintendent and the Ohio Department of Education:

  • Failure to follow written script for introduction of test sessions/getting started
  • Cheating by a test taker
  • Unauthorized use of electronic device during testing
  • Alleged misconduct on the part of authorized personnel
  • Lapse in security of test materials
  • Disclosure of contents of tests
  • Disclosure of student-specific information
  • Breach in supervision of a secure test environment 

Consequences for security violations by an employee of Green Local Schools may include one or more of the following and will be determined by the Superintendent via a disciplinary hearing, except where required by law:

  • written reprimand placed in personnel file
  • suspension from duties with pay
  • suspension from duties without pay 
  • termination of employment
  • maximum penalty pursuant to Section 3319.151 of the Ohio Revised Code (suspension or termination of state-issued credentials)

Consequences for confirmed violations of test security may include any or all of the following and will be determined by the building principal, in consultation with the district test coordinator and Superintendent:

  • invalidation of state test score
  • school discipline pursuant to Board of Education policy and guidelines