Curriculum and Instruction
Curriculum and Instruction services for Green Local Schools are based at the City of Green Central Administration Building (CAB) at 1755 Town Park Boulevard, Uniontown, OH 44685. The district team oversees and supports district curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development for district students and staff in grades Pre-K through 12.
Ohio's Learning Standards are the learning expectations for students in each subject area and at each grade level that will prepare students for college and career. In other words, what should a child know and be able to do as a result of participating in the program of instruction and assessment at Green Local Schools and in the State of Ohio?
On February 9, 2021, Governor DeWine asked schools and districts to work with their communities and educational stakeholders to help students continue to advance academically and to make up for any learning that may have been lost or delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic and related disruptions. Governor DeWine has requested that schools and districts design plans that address learning recovery and extended learning opportunities to meet the needs of students. The governor asked schools and districts to provide their plans to the public and General Assembly no later than April 1.
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) provides federal resources to support states and local school districts. Districts and community schools receiving American Rescue Plan funds must publish local “Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plans" and "Local Use of Funds" plans.
Contact Us
Carrie Marochino
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Scott Aten
District Technology Integration Specialist
Joann Cornelius
English Learner Teacher
Tammy DeDominicis
Advanced Academic Program Coordinator
Kourtney Groholy
Mathematics Coach
April Vogley
Literacy Coach